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Information about how Covid-19 has affected gamblers' behavior

More information about the effects of the changing Covid-19 lockdown measures on online gambling behavior in the United Kingdom has been released by the Gambling Commission. The operator data contains online and, when applicable, some offline gambling operator data, and it includes information from March 2020 to March 2021. It should be noted that all land-based locations have been shuttered since December. Due to the different operational conditions in March 2020 and March 2021, it is not advisable to compare the two months year over year. This update includes consumer research data from January to March, operator data for March, and an update to February data due to an operator resubmission.

1. online operator data for March 2021,

According to the most recent online operator data for March 2021, • Due to the Cheltenham festival, activity in the online market surged during what is often a busy period. In February, there was an increase of 17% in active accounts and 12% in bets placed, while gross gaming yield (GGY) grew by 4%. • From February to March, Slots GGY climbed by 15% to around £203m. Both the amount of bets (12% to about 6.2 billion) and the number of players (10% to over 3.2 million) grew. • There were 8% more online slot machine sessions that lasted more than an hour (to 2.7m). With 8% of all sessions lasting longer than an hour, the average session length shrank to 20.8 minutes. The following is the January–March 2021 consumer research data: • Compared to Quarter 4 2020, stated levels of gambling activity among adults who have gambled in the past 12 months show a further increase in Quarter 1 2021, which can be at least partially attributable to the most recent shutdown. • Of those who have gambled in the last 12 months, 18% say they have increased their wagering since the epidemic started, up from 13% during the preceding three-month period. Additional operator caution is still required in light of these facts and our current understanding of the epidemic timeframe. Even if limitations are starting to loosen, operators need still be aware of the following: • Due to the extended pandemic period, ongoing limitations, and increased concern regarding their personal or financial situation, people will likely continue to spend more time at home and online and may feel more alone and vulnerable. • We are aware that certain clients, such as avid gamblers who wager on a variety of products, are likely to spend more time and money at the gaming table. The next high-profile sporting events will provide additional opportunities for betting customers to place bets. • It is known that some people might be first-time gamblers. At the start of the most recent shutdown, we sent out a letter to operators reminding them of the instructions we first sent out in May regarding online operators and their duties at this difficult time for the nation.

2. We anticipate that they will

• Adhere to the more stringent instructions provided during the initial lockdown, paying particular attention to data indicating that players are diversifying their game selection and investing more time or money than they did previously. • In addition to their more general email interaction, engage directly where triggers are reached. • Refrain from using the current circumstance as a marketing ploy, and use extreme caution when attempting to cross-sell items. • Be especially cautious when deciding whether to verify a customer's affordability in light of the current climate and while onboarding new clients. The Commission keeps tabs on risk associated with COVID-19 by: • Evaluating the effects of the updated operator advice. • Tracking important data and gathering and disseminating this extra information. • Helping the sector as land-based locations adapt to new regulations Taking further steps to protect consumers where evidence points to additional hazards they face. and will carry on with: • As we have done in the past year with regard to ad-tech, game design, and high-value customer programs, take action to permanently enhance regulatory standards. This includes amending Remote Technical Standards (RTS) and Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) to better safeguard consumers. • As we did last year, keep a careful eye on operators and perform our compliance evaluations throughout this most recent lockout. The consumer update and related consumer data, as well as the market update and operator data, are published on the website under the statistics area. 1An active account may be counted more than once because this is the total number of times activity has occurred across all verticals.